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Thursday, February 11, 2010

What has Geometry Ever Done for Me?

I'm attempting to study for the TEAS test I'm taking next week, but it's not going so well. I keep getting distracted by other blogs and by my daily dose of celebrity gossip, which, I freely admit, I am slightly addicted to. Mostly because it gives me an excuse to be snarky when I'm feeling a little stressed.

Anyway, back to the TEAS test. TEAS stands for Test of Essential Academic Skills and it's needed to get into the nursing program at my college. Now, I'm not normally completely slow, but you give me a book with math problems more difficult than basic algebra and I'll give you a look of confusion. The TEAS doesn't have math that's too difficult, but it does have some geometry and I have to say, I've never understood the importance of it. Why do I need to know the circumference of a circle? Why do I even care? I'm not going to be an Astrophysicist, so it shouldn't matter, right? Wrong. Someone, somewhere decided that I needed to know geometry, so, here I am, plugging along, trying to remember formulas. As you can tell, I'm seriously excited about it, too.

So, instead of staring blankly at the book while trying not to nag myself to death, I decided to write a blog post. It gives me a few moments of distraction and allows me to clear my mind, at least for a bit.

How are all of you today?

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